What a Year……….💜

Cue the Toni Tony Tone….

Do you know what today is?????

It’s our anniversary!

Well at least officially….

I know people may get tired of hearing it, but FoodFashionFab has been my dream for many years. I did a lot building and growing to even make it to this point, and for that I am proud. When I see that I have continued to weather this storm, I remember how I felt during the process of creating my logo and my website and the feeling of knowing “Wow this was going to be a commitment.” And I knew I had to see this through…

I wouldn’t lie to you, it is a lot easier said than done. I think about this first year and although it was rough, I can’t wait to celebrate year after year. That’s how I know, I’ve lost my mind. But hey, only the strong and slightly delusional survive 🤣

Although I’m proud, there are lessons I’ve learned and have grown many areas of opportunity. You have to continuously dig deep while also being vulnerable enough to learn. You have to be comfortable making mistakes and learning the only way to do this right; is to not give up. Stay 10 toes down and everything else will work itself out.

I had a plan for today, since it was my one year I wanted it to be special. I would’ve loved to have some grand extravaganza or maybe a huge elaborate surprise…..

But things never go as I planned, and one of the things I’m learning is, you have to stay adaptable. You can become easily disappointed when you bond yourself to perfect plans; because I guarantee something will go awry. There is a difference in freaking out every time it does, or being able to adapt.

I’ve dealt with this with birthday plans, hair dye, college, work, dating, and the most with entrepreneurship. But it’s what keeps life interesting, I never did like the routined lifestyle. But I’ve also learned discipline and adaptability have to co-exist.

Irony never seems to surprise me. But wouldn’t you know, today I woke up and somehow liquid got into my laptop. I can’t tell you how this happened, but I messed up my laptop and it is now on the shop and I’m hoping it can be fixed. I completely had a meltdown as I had a lot of things saved on there to complete and the start of some projects were on there as well.

I dropped it off to the computer shop conveniently located next to my favorite place (Chipotle) and hoped that this was a good sign. I’m practicing patience but also I know that regardless of anything, the show must go on.

But I still want to know, why today though. 😂

With Love,



new year, New announcements


august, already?